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निकारागुआ के महाकवि एर्नेस्तो कार्देनाल की कविता
अनुवाद: मंगलेश डबराल
Ernesto Cardenal, Translation by Daniela Gioseffi
You talk into your cell phone
and prattle and talk,
laughing into your cell phone–
never knowing how it’s made,
much less how it works,
but what does that matter?
The trouble is you don’t know
exactly as I didn’t
that many people die in the Congo—
thousands of thousands!
for your cell phone.
People die in the Congo.
in the Congolese mountains is coltan
(as well as gold and diamonds)
Coltan used in cell phone condensers.
To control the mineral,
multinational corporations
wage an unending war
5 million dead in 15 years.
Corporations don’t want it to be known
that the Congo is a country of immense wealth
with poverty-stricken people.
80% of the world’s coltan
reserves are in the Congo.
The coltan has been there
for three thousand million years.
Nokia, Motorola, Compaq, Sony
buy the coltan,
the Pentagon too, The New York
Times corporation, too.
They don’t want it to be known,
and they don’t want the war to stop
in order to continue seizing the coltan.
Children of 7 to 10 years extract the coltan
because their little bodies fit into the tiny holes
for 25 cents a day
and loads of children die
from breathing the coltan powder
or from hammering the rock
that collapses on top of them
The New York Times, too,
doesn’t want it to be known
and that’s why this organized crime
remains unknown,
this organized crime
of the multinationals.
The universal spirit of compassion feels
truth, justice and love,
and the truth
the importance of the truth
that sets us free.
There’s this truth about coltan,
coltan inside your cell phone
on which we talk, prattle,
giggle and laugh into our cell phones.
‘मज़दूर बिगुल’ की सदस्यता लें!
वार्षिक सदस्यता - 125 रुपये
पाँच वर्ष की सदस्यता - 625 रुपये
आजीवन सदस्यता - 3000 रुपये
आर्थिक सहयोग भी करें!
बुर्जुआ अख़बार पूँजी की विशाल राशियों के दम पर चलते हैं। मज़दूरों के अख़बार ख़ुद मज़दूरों द्वारा इकट्ठा किये गये पैसे से चलते हैं।
मज़दूरों के महान नेता लेनिन